My World in Colours

And My Camera Capture Light and Souls on its Way, Enjoy the Ride whit Me


I love the contrast in the world, the contrast that give me people sepperating from the grey mass and stand out. Some of them stand out most of the time by them being them and not due to they are perfect. Of the people i meet on my way and are so luckey to get a picture of i love some of the persons that you just feel how they have been living a life full of joy, hapines and hard work. Some time i wounder how it have been to join them in theyr life and se for your self what theyr life is realy about, not just dream your self away by imagning by the look and place how they live.


I love the nature when it shows me the strenght and the contrast both in the way it looks but also in the way it can change from minute minute due to wheter and light. The drama in the nature is at its best just before or just after the bad weather comes and some time evein in the midle of the storm. Sometime I ask my self if what you see and what you like is your family and friends that have teached you to see or if this is something you are born whit? I find my self to drive to work many time and as i pase the one sceen more beutifull than the other i wonder why we all not stoping and enjoying it there and then...

Next Stop is Italy

On the 10th of October the location for a week will be Siena and hopfully some moments will show up so i can capture it and to enjoy it in the soul and hart whit my love.

I Have To mutch pictures!

Have so many moments to share and so litle time to create the web page. Personal goal to week by week have some progress...